On September 28, 2018 Cohort #7 of the I-Corps Puerto Rico was launched. It would take its participants on an intensive five week customer discovery learning roller coaster. I had the honor to ride along in this amazing journey as part of the teaching team.
For the participants, friendships were forged, friendships were tested, tears were shed and egos were checked. As an instructor, it was amazing to see young talent eager to learn and grow, as well as more experienced talent willing to open their minds.
The participants were drilled by the teaching team, as we challenged them every step of the way. And we challenged them in more ways than they thought possible. As per human nature, they resisted. The weeks went on, and our challenge persisted. Many decided to stop the resistance and embrace the methodology. In the end, those which let go, grew exponentially.
By the last week, you could physically see a change in them. By letting go of the resistance and embracing the process, they were able to listen to their customer. In turn, this empowered them with confidence.
On Sunday, November 4, this five week program came to an end. For me, it was an honor to be a part of it and learn from my fellow teaching team members. As an instructor, it was humbling to be a part of the transformation and growth the participants underwent.
Thanks to Grupo Guayacán y Georgia Institute of Technology who make I-Corps Puerto Rico possible.
Author: Patricia Ramírez Gelpí, J.D., LL.M.