What is in a name? A lot actually. Be it the name of your store, company or product that name is what consumers will come to associate with the goods or services received.
As consumers, we area all about associations. With trademarks, you may seek to protect that special element which consumers have come to associate with your goods or services. This may be anything from a name, slogan, jingle, design, color or smell, among other things. A trademark is one way of protecting your businesses identity.
However, not everything needs to be trademarked. There are statutory requirements that a mark must satisfy in order to be registered and obtain legal protection. As a general rule, trademark protection is sought for marks which are used in commerce for the long haul. Marks that are used sporadically or with no intention for long term use, should not be registered.
Always be mindful when choosing your mark, you don’t want to choose something which might confuse or turn consumers away. In order to get the most from your mark, it’s important you are clear about your short and long term goals. Once you know this, then you can move on to design the best intellectual property strategy that works for you.
For more information about trademarks and how you can get the most from your mark, contact us at patricia@afterthoughtip.com.
Author: Patricia Ramírez Gelpí, J.D., LL.M.
Image: EHStockphoto/Shutterstock.com